Manage Distributors
Tap on the … at the top right corner or tap on the distributor that you want to edit.
1. For the Accepted Distributors:
Edit information : Update the information of the distributor. After the update is complete, tap Save to finish.
Inactive distributors : Suspended from a distributor who is no longer interacting on your sales lists. This action can be redone by choosing Activate distributors
Remove distributors : Remove the company from the distributor list. Note : If you have been or are currently having transactions with this distributor on the app, you cannot remove it from the distributor list.
2. For the Pending Confirmation Distributors:
- Edit information : Update the information of the distributor. After the update is complete, tap Save to finish.
- Withdraw: For unauthenticated distributors, click here to cancel your request to invite this company as a distributor.
- Inactive distributors : Suspended from a distributor who is no longer interacting on your sales lists. This action can be redone by choosing Activate distributors
Distributors list is displayed according to the following fields:
- Org Distributor ID
- Distributor name
- Status
- Supervisor
- Authentication Status
Search Distributors
Step 1: Tap on > Sales > Distributors
Step 2: Please filter to search distributor list
Standard search: Type company name, ID or Tax code
Search filter: Click the filter icon
to search by filter
- Select region
- Select location
- Supervisor
- Authentication status
- Distributor status
Click the Search button to display distributors that you need to find
Click the Reset button to display all distributors of the company