Return Order Export Process

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To assist businesses in managing return orders, ATALINK provides a feature to export return order reports.

Step 1: Access “My Tasks” > Select the “Sales” section > Choose “Return Orders” to initiate the return order report export.

Step 2: Click on the icon next to the return order for which you want to generate a report.

Step 3: Select the “Tools” section in the top-right corner of the screen. ATALINK offers you 2 options:

  • Excel (Selected Rows): This option exports the report for the selected sales orders only.
  • Excel (All: up to 50,000 rows): This option exports reports for all available return orders of your business.

Step 4: Your file will automatically start downloading within a few seconds. In case the system doesn’t initiate an automatic download, you can click on the link to manually download the file.