Search and filter products
To conveniently search for products in the list of many goods to buy, you can take the following steps::
Step 1: Tap on the icon on the Menu bar > Tap to Procurement > Procurement Catalog
Step 2: Enter the name of the goods to be searched in the search bar
Step 3: Click on the icon to search for goods by filter
Step 4: Search for goods by filter including:
- Atalink Category
- Internal category
- Status: Active and Inactive
- Product type: Storable products, Consumables, Service
Step 5: Click the Apply button to display the products you need to search for filter or Click the Reset button to display all products of the company.
To conveniently search for products in the list of many goods to buy, you can take the following steps:
Step 1: Access the My Tasks section by clicking the icon on the menu bar > Tap on Procurement > Procurement Catalog
Step 2: Enter the name of the goods to be searched in the search bar
Step 3: Click on the icon to search for goods by filter
Step 4: Search for goods by filter including:
- Atalink Category
- Internal category
- Status: Active and Inactive
- Product type: Storable products, Consumables, Service
Step 5: Click the Apply button to display the products you need to search for filter or Click the Reset button to display all products of the company.